Assessment Builder

This article shows instructors how to create an assessment.

Create an Assessment

  1. Click Assessments in the left menu

  2. Click + Add Assessment

  3. Input the desired information and click Create Assessment

Assessment Types

EXAMIND supports five assessment types:

  1. Exam

  2. Quiz

  3. Practice

  4. Essay

  5. Simulation

Exams, Quizzes and Practice are similar assessment types based on adding questions from the question bank.

Build an Assessment


Exams, quizzes, and practice assessments require three steps to build an assessment:


Add Question to Assessment

Click the box next to the question title in your question bank to add the question to the assessment.


Verify Question Included in Assessment

Questions added in Step 1 will appear in the assessment window on the right-hand side.

The number of questions, question pools, and points associated with the assessment will automatically update as you add questions.

To remove a question from the assessment, simply uncheck the box next to the question title in your question bank.


Set Question Order

By default, questions are ordered by question type into Question Groups and randomized within each group. You can make the following changes:

  1. Create New Groups: Click the + button after clicking on the question group title

  2. Fix Question Order: Click the crossed arrow icon.

  3. Combine Question Groups: Click on a question in the assessment window and drag into a different question group.

Question Group titles will be presented to the student. One tip is to combine all questions into one group and rename the group the assessment title (e.g. Final Exam). In other cases you may want to fix long workout problems as the last questions in the exam.


Essay and Simulation assessments requires three steps:

  1. Enter Instructions

  2. Select the AI Model

  3. Enter AI System Prompt (optional)

Information included in the instructions text field will be presented to the student.

For support building high quality AI system prompts contact

Last updated